Eugenie Y. Lai


Contact: eylai [at]
GitHub: ey-l
Twitter: @EugenieLai
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2021.04 Joining the Data Systems Group (DSG) at MIT EECS CSAIL as a PhD student in Fall '21.

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Why I'm Taking Six Years to Finish Undergrad

by Eugenie Lai

I get this question a lot.

The short answer is I did co-op for two years.

  1. In the past six years, I completed five four-month CS co-op terms at three different places, ranging from the industry to non-profit to academia. While studying full-time, I had also worked part-time positions varied from retail to administrative to teaching. These experiences collectively helped me shape my interests and learn that I am most motivated by the real-world impact my work makes.
  2. I did extra math and CS courses on top of my combined major. Having the Combined Major of Business and CS means that I am graduating with the same CS degree requirement as UBC’s core CS majors with additional mandatory business courses.

Here’s a timeline of what happened in the past five years and my plan for the next eight months.

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