Eugenie Y. Lai


Contact: eylai [at]
GitHub: ey-l
Twitter: @EugenieLai
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2021.04 Joining the Data Systems Group (DSG) at MIT EECS CSAIL as a PhD student in Fall '21.

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What I Learned at SIGMOD 2020

by Eugenie Lai

I loved every bit of the experience and got a bit sad that SIGMOD is over. This post is developed to help me crystalize a fraction of my learnings from the past week. Overall, the conference is life-changing, and I felt grateful for the opportunity to participate.

I get to know the field of databases better and have a more clear idea of my research interests.

I want to work with my research crushes no matter where they are.

(Cue the song Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.)

I think of you as my cousin/uncle/auntie next door.

I went into the conference thinking, “I’ll milk this till the bitter end.” I think I did the best I could. No regrets!

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